Slow Travel is about changing the routine of travel behavior. This starts with the inner alignment and can already be developed at home. The own wishes and goals are perceived consciously and implemented in the next short or long-term travel. It is helpful to reflect on past holidays to find out what needs to be…
Pro-Con: Is Van Life Slow Travel?
In recent years, the campervan of the 1970’s had a revival. Traveling with ones own mini RV is popular and, with the term Van Life, has also received a hip image. It’s both a lifestyle and way of travel at once. The campers live in their van and work from the road. The borders between…
Cave expeditions. Only for adventurers?
Jakub Kaleta has an unusual hobby. Since about five years, he is exploring caves on his own. These are short day trips, which take him out of his daily life into an alien world. It is a thrill and nature experience at once – a real adventure. He doesn’t need lots of technical equipment: usually…
10 Basic Principles of Slow Travel
With Slow Travel the travel becomes a time of relaxation. Transport is not supposed to be a stressful interlude between home and holiday destination, but the travel itself. Slow Travel is a new and at the same time original way of facing the world. It is all about engaging with the surroundings. Slow Travel is…
Julian and his book “Europe by Train: Backpacking for Beginners”
Usually, backpackers have less money but therefor lots of energy and passion for adventures. They are seeking unique places, where not many other travelers have been to yet. Julian wants to inspire adventurer and individual travelers to look for this special experiences in Europe. Instead of visiting other continents, he recommends to get to know…
How to enjoy meals. Slow Travel dining
Slow Travel has to be learnt. Each action or activity should unfold itself to its fullest during traveling. The Slow Traveler is directing his senses consciously – also to activities, which happen casually in daily life, like meals. These do not only get richer, but are more memorable. Sara Clemence, author of the book “Away…
Volunteering in North America
It is not just a travel story – it is an international love story of two adventurous long-term travelers, who met each other in a deserted place where usually just seals and polar bears roam around. The meeting changed the future travels of both, led to Slow Travel through North America with lots of volunteering…
Donkey hiking. Individual travel or guided day trip
„Donkeys, it seems, are an indispensable asset to the would-be slow traveller“, writes Nicky Gardner in the Slow Travel Manifesto.[1] Donkeys as transportation unite the longing for speed of the 19th century and the desire for slowing down of the 21st century. Earlier adventurers preferred fast donkeys over camels to cross deserts. Today, donkeys are…
A Time Out. By bike from Germany to South Korea
In the year 2016, Korean architect Nam Dongho decided to go on an adventure. He had worked in Amsterdam, Netherlands, for a while and was now stuck in an unfulfilling position in an architecture firm in Munich, Germany. Since a longer time, he dreamed of cycling to his home town Deagu in South Korea. He…
Slow Travel Manifesto
2009 travel writer Nicky Gardner formulated the Slow Travel Manifesto in English. Attached you find the German translation by TRAVEL SLOWLY. Ein Manifest für Slow Travel In den letzten 100 Jahren fand ein subtiler Wandel bezüglich unseres Verständnisses vom Reisen statt. Dantes Reise durch die drei Reiche der jenseitigen Welt kann als fesselnder Reisebericht gelesen…