The Crowdfunding for the book was successful
From 07 April to 17 May 2021, there was a crowdfunding campaign for my book Simply Green.
The book would just be published by the Oekom Verlag with enough pre-orders (by donating and receiving a copy).
At the end, the target amount was reached! I am very grateful. Therefore, the crowdfunding was a success and the book was published in April 2022.
The book “Simply Green. Von Achtsamkeit bis Zero Waste. Nachhaltige Lebensstile im Faktencheck” is written in German and presents 16 topics:
- Capsule Wardrobe
- Slow Fashion
- Tiny House
- Minimalism
- Autarky (self-sufficiency)
- Veganism
- Food rescue
- Locally instead of globally
- Plastic free
- Zero Waste
- Urban Gardening
- Carfree (no own car)
- Cargo bike
- Microadventure
- Slow Travel
- Mindfulness
There are plenty of sustainable lifestyle trends: Minimalism, Zero Waste, Tiny House, Urban Gardening and Slow Travel, to mention some of them. The common spirit of the trends is the longing for social behavioral changes. New (and old) concepts are being used to live sustainable and climate-neutral. In some of the movements climate friendliness is the focus. In others like the Tiny House movement it is a side effect. It’s ideas that confront capitalism as well as the permanent consumption to develop a simpler lifestyle.
Every movement covers another aspect of life like consumption, living, transportation, nutrition, travel or spirituality. The supporters of each trend promote their progress in Social Media as well as their websites and publications. For people who are interested it is hard to choose between the range of information. The research takes time. My book “Simply Green” shall give a summery of all the topics.
The current trends will be summed up in an informative way. It’s the ideal book for people who want to change their habits and to contribute to the sustainable development of our planet. The readers obtain an overview of all trends and can then choose which ideas they integrate in their daily life. The book is a contribution to the transformation of society and ecological sustainability.
It was a long progress until the final cover was completed. In April 2021, the first cover design was ready (left): a light bulb in which a green twig was glowing. The drawing was designed by Lenja Lorkowski, a graphic designer from Berlin. She has her own website Little Piep and presents her illustrations on Instagram.
Later, the cover was re-designed in a white version (right). But this did not last: We went back to the original green cover, this time with plants in the background. I hope you like it.